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Dana Mascalo named as AdvisorHub’s “Top 100 Advisors to Watch” for 2023.

We are thrilled to announce that Dana R. Mascalo, CFP®, RLP®, AAMS®, C(k)P® has been named to AdvisorHub’s prestigious “Top 100 Advisors to Watch” list. This annual accolade recognizes the most promising and dynamic financial advisors who have demonstrated outstanding expertise, innovation, and commitment to their clients and the industry. "The Top 100 Advisors to Watch" list represents a group of professionals who have consistently showcased their exceptional skills in wealth management, investment strategies, client service, and community engagement. These forward-thinking advisors have displayed the ability to adapt to the ever-evolving financial landscape while delivering exceptional results and exceeding client expectations.

“I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for this acknowledgement,” said Mascalo, Managing Partner. “Warmest thanks to AdvisorHub for this recognition, and to our amazing team at TrinityPoint Wealth who play a large role in my success. And to all of my incredible clients, I’m eternally grateful for the opportunity to be your trusted advisor and allowing me to align your financial resources with what is most meaningful in your lives.”

The selection process for the "Top 100 Advisors to Watch" was thorough and comprehensive. Advisors are ranked on a 100-point scale in three different categories – SCALE: is a function of assets, production, and quality of service; GROWTH: is a year-over-year change in assets, clients, and production; PROFESSIONALISM includes regulatory record, community involvement and team makeup. Neither TrinityPoint Wealth nor its advisors pay a fee to AdvisorHub in exchange for the ranking or its use. For more information, please visit: https://www.advisorhub.com/advisors-to-watch-over-1b-2023/

About TrinityPoint Wealth:

TrinityPoint Wealth is an independent wealth and management investment advisory firm located in Milford, CT as well as in Charlotte, NC. We are fiduciaries who serve both families and individuals, as well as providing guidance for retirement plans and institutions that include endowments, foundations, and nonprofits. For more information, please visit www.TrinityPointWealth.com.

Media Contact:

Alisa White

Marketing Director

TrinityPoint Wealth

(203) 693-8512


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